WADA Strategic Plan
The 2024-2028 WADA Strategic Plan was approved at the 57th Annual WADA Conference in November 2023. The WADA Strategic Plan is intended to be a living document, responsive and changeable by the WADA Board of Directors to best address important issues of the association. In February of 2023, the WADA Executive Board formed a group comprised of 26 athletic administrators from across the state of Wisconsin to plan and discuss how the association moves forward over the next five years. Through these conversations at Marshfield High School on February 19-20, 2023, proposed changes were made to the Mission, Vision and Purpose statements found within the WADA bylaws to better align with the progressive nature of the Strategic Plan. Three specific areas were identified through these meetings to drive the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. These areas were Finance, Operations, and Programs.
To see the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan PowerPoint, click HERE.
Mission, Vision, and Values/Purpose of WADA: 2024-2028

Historical Information
The WADA Board of Directors first initiated discussion on the development of a strategic plan in 2006 regarding the future of the Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association (WADA). Those discussions continued and in 2008, 28 members spent nearly two full days crafting WADA’s comprehensive Strategic Plan dedicated to serving all athletic directors and athletic administrators at high schools and middle schools in Wisconsin.
The details were presented and reviewed in June, 2008 by the WADA Executive Board, and the WADA membership voted in November, 2008 approving changes in the WADA Bylaw Mission, Vision and Purpose statements and approved the WADA Strategic Plan as presented.
In 2018 it was time again to update the five year strategic plan which will carry the membership from 2019-2023. In November of 2017, the membership was surveyed to get input into areas that needed to be addressed in the next strategic plan. In January the WADA Board approved the subcommittee members and recommendations for areas to be addressed in the next plan. A group of 25 WADA members met in Madison on February 11-12, 2018 to put together the next recommended draft of the 2019-2023 strategic plan. At these meetings the group also reworked the Vision, Mission and Purpose statements to reflect the current state of the WADA organization. The draft was presented to the WADA Board at their March meeting for approval to be presented at the WADA spring caucus in each District. The plan will be finalized at the WADA Board June meeting and approved at the WADA Board July meeting. It was presented to the membership at our November 2018 Conference for final membership approval.
If you are interested in helping in any area with the implementation of the strategic plan please contact any member of the WADA Executive Board or your District Representative.